Meniscus Tear in Knee: Symptoms Causes and Treatment

The knee is the most robust joint in the human body, comprising a complex structure of ligaments, tendons, bones, muscles, and cartilage. Any injury or damage to these components will impede the knee joint’s optimal function.

Owing to its fundamental role in human mobility, even a mild injury to it can be profoundly debilitating. The topic of our discussion, the Meniscus tear, is a severe injury that can even happen during twists & sudden changes of direction. What is a meniscus tear, what exactly causes it, and how is it treated? We have asked a leading knee surgeon in Mumbai, Dr. Niraj Vora, about this condition. Read on to know the answers:

What is a Meniscus Tear?

The meniscus is a wedge-shaped cartilage in the knee whose function is to absorb shocks, stabilize the joint, and aid in weight distribution when we jump, run, and walk. It exists to make our daily movements smooth, healthy, and comfortable. However, when it suddenly encounters an abnormal movement that stresses it excessively, it may give up and tear, causing severe pain and swelling, limiting mobility and range of motion, and progressively causing joint damage, ultimately leading to osteoarthritis.

Meniscus Tear Symptoms:  What happens when the meniscus gets torn?

The tear in the meniscus instantly triggers severe pain along the line of the knee joint. It is immediately followed by swelling in the joint due to inflammation. The tear limits the function of the knee joint, making it difficult to walk, and also may cause a locked knee sensation for patients,” says knee replacement specialist and best orthopaedic surgeon in Mumbai, Dr. Niraj Vora.

Torn Meniscus Causes: Why exactly does a meniscus tear happen?

Meniscus tears happen in young adults due to unnatural and excessive stress on the knee joint from an abnormal position or angle. This could be a sudden twist or turn of the knee, excessive pivots, and traumas. Meniscus tears can also happen due to degenerative stress, where the meniscal cartilage degenerates over time due to repetitive stress movements. “Even among the same age group, the risk of meniscus tears depends on the health of the knee, activity level, previous injury history, and other anatomical factors, according to Knee Replacement in Mumbai Dr. Niraj Vora.

Meniscus Tear Treatment: How is meniscus tear treated?

The treatment for meniscus tears depends on the severity, location, age, injury history, and other specific factors in the injury. Treatment for mild meniscus tear cases involves traditional methods like RICE (Rest, ICE, Elevation, and Compression) and physical therapy. Cases where the meniscus gets torn severely will demand surgical procedures that may involve arthroscopy surgery, where the meniscus is repaired surgically.

A rehabilitation program will again support all the cases focused on improving the mobility of the knee and its range of motion. In the most severe cases, where the torn meniscus is impossible to repair, the meniscus is removed to reduce the risk of osteoarthritis. It is crucial to identify the extent of the tear and develop appropriate treatment options that can help improve the chance of a successful outcome. A leading orthopaedic surgeon in Mumbai, Dr Niraj Vora is a specialist in treating meniscus tears; you can contact him here for consultation.