Ischiofemoral Impingement Syndrome Treatment

In life, a lot of things are bound to go overhead and still we will need to deal with these situations. A person may not know anything about buying a home or getting surgery done but with little research and asking around they might be able to gather some information about it and might find […]

Congenital Hip Dysplasia Treatment in Mumbai

Hip Dysplasia is a medical condition where the thigh bone (femur) does not fit with the pelvis. This makes the hip joint slightly dislocated leading to unequal leg lengths and limping. Some people are born with Hip Dysplasia. Hip Dysplasia is curable among babies, as the bones are soft and easy to brace and lock […]

Osteochondrosis Treatment in Mumbai

We generally associate the pain in joints with old people. The pain in the bones, difficulty in walking, and a whole lot of inconveniences- we blame it all on the natural phenomenon of aging. But, what if I tell you that adolescents and children can have pain in joints too? Osteochondrosis is a group of […]

Knee Osteotomy vs. Knee Replacement Surgery

People are often confused between the two procedures of knee osteotomy and knee replacement surgery. The general population must understand the difference between the two procedures to have a better understanding regarding their own body and medical procedures in general. Knee osteotomy is a procedure which in general is more advantageous than the procedure of […]

Acetabular Fractures and Treatment | Dr Niraj Vora

Fractures in the body are referred to as complete or partial breakage of bone in your body. There are various reasons why fractures happen, such as accidents, exertion, sports injuries, bone weakening diseases, etc. Many types of fractures can occur. Here, we will discuss Acetabular fractures. What is an Acetabular Fracture? This is not a […]

Tibial Fracture Treatment in Mumbai | Dr Niraj Vora

Tibial plateau fracture or Tibial Fracture is a break in the leg bone below the knee. Being the most critical load-bearing area in the entire body, fracture to this area can be serious trouble with severe complications when not treated as soon as possible. Joint Replacement Surgeon Dr Niraj Vora has successfully treated many cases […]

Legg Calve Perthes Disease (LCPD) Causes Symptoms and Treatment

Legg-Calve-Perthes disease also known as Perthes disease is a rare childhood hip condition that typically occurs in children below 10 years of age. It usually occurs more in boys than girls but the Perthes disease is identified to cause more damage to the hip bone of girls. Perthes condition affecting a single hip joint is […]

Dr Niraj Vora – Enlightens on How to Prevent Hip Fractures?

Dr Niraj Vora explains how to prevent from hip fractures. He is the best hip replacement surgeon in Mumbai who has performed over 2500 successful replacement surgeries. Dr Niraj Vora focuses on few major points on how to deal and avoid hip fractures in a quick note to patients who are suffering from osteoporosis. People […]

Dr Niraj Vora – About Common Knee Injuries and Symptoms

It would be really beneficial for people to know more about common knee injuries and symptoms as they are very common health problems that can arise after a certain age or an incident. Understanding the knee joint pains is quiet simple but yet complicated to judge the correct reason. It requires a proficient orthopaedic doctor […]

Doctor Niraj Vora – The Trauma Surgery Specialist in Mumbai

Dr.Niraj Vora is a Professional in Trauma Surgery Specialist who has spent over 15+ years in learning and excelling the advanced techniques in Trauma and Knee & Hip Replacement surgeries. Dr.Niraj Vora has competitive expertise over the usage of Computer Assisted Navigation, Hip Resurfacing and “High Flexion” Knee Replacement. Dr.Niraj Vora, being a famous orthopaedic […]