Revised joint replacement packages and pricing as per Govt NPPA implant pricing, effective 16th Aug 2017.

Non-Surgical Knee Surgery Alternatives

Before deciding on knee surgery, your physician may try several knee surgery alternatives to relieve the pain and inflammation in your knee.

Knee Surgery Alternatives: Lifestyle Modification

The first alternative to knee surgery most physicians try is lifestyle modification. This may include weight loss, avoiding activities such as running and twisting which can aggravate the knee injury, modifying exercise to no- and low-impact, and other changes in your daily routine to reduce stress on your knee.

Knee Surgery Alternatives: Exercise and Physical Therapy

Exercise and Physical therapy may be prescribed to improve strength and flexibility. Exercises may include strengthening exercises such as riding a stationary bike, and stretching exercises such as flexing the ankle up and down, tightening and holding thigh muscles, sliding the heel forward on the floor, leg lifts, and knee extensions. Exercise can strengthen your leg muscles and reduce your pain. If you really need knee surgery, this may not help, but many forms of knee pain can be mitigated by exercise.

Knee Surgery Alternatives: Anti-inflammatory Medications

Arthritis Pain is caused by inflammation in the knee as the bones rub against each other due to eroded cartilage. Reducing the inflammation of the tissue in the knee can provide temporary relief from pain and delay knee surgery. Anti-inflammatory medications may be prescribed to decrease swelling in the joint. New medications called Cox-2 inhibitors may also be used to reduce inflammation, reducing pain temporarily. A corticosteroid injection may also be used to reduce pain; in this procedure a powerful anti-inflammatory agent is injected directly into the joint.

Knee Surgery Alternatives: Glucosamine/Chondroitin

A dietary supplement called glucosamine/chondroitin may improve the joint’s mobility and decrease pain from arthritis of the knee. Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate can slow the deterioration of cartilage in the joint, reducing the pain of bone on bone. Both are naturally occurring molecules in the body. Glucosamine is thought to promote the growth of new cartilage and repair of damaged cartilage, while chondroitin is believed to promote water retention, improving the elasticity of cartilage, and also to inhibit cartilage-destroying enzymes.

Knee Surgery Alternatives: Joint Fluid Therapy

While medications and supplements can be helpful in reducing inflammation and pain and help you delay or avoid knee surgery, there are trade-offs. Drug therapies may have side effects, and there is a limit to how much pain reduction can occur. In a procedure called joint fluid therapy, a series of injections is made directly into the knee joints. This therapy is designed to reduce pain by improving lubrication in the knee, replacing the synovial fluid that lubricates the knee. Hyaluronate is used for the treatment of osteoarthritis knee pain in patients who have not found adequate relief from simple painkillers, exercise, or physical therapy. This procedure involves a solution made of highly purified sodium hyaluronate. This solution is derived from a natural chemical found in the body, particularly in high amounts in joint tissues and the fluid (synovial fluid) that fills the joints. The body’s own hyaluronan acts as a lubricant and shock absorber in the synovial fluid of a healthy joint. Osteoarthritis reduces the synovial fluid’s ability to protect and lubricate the joint. A physician administers an injection of this sodium hyaluronate solution into the knee once a week for five weeks (a total of five injections).

FAQ's - Frequently Asked Questions

What are some non-surgical options for treating knee pain?

Knee pain is commonly treated using many non-surgical options. In fact, non-surgical treatment is often the first line of treatment and, in most cases, the only type of treatment needed for the majority of knee pain cases. These non-surgical treatment options include lifestyle changes involving exercise and diet modifications, medication plans, physical therapy, and even injections. Based on the age, cause of knee pain, and previous medical history, a specialized treatment plan is devised by a knee doctor for the patient. Surgery is reserved for complex and complicated cases of knee pain where all possible non-surgical options fail.

Are there lifestyle changes I can make to help my knee pain?

Absolutely! Lifestyle changes are the first treatment approach prescribed by knee specialists to treat knee pain in patients. Lifestyle changes include weight management with exercises and diet modifications, avoiding smoking, and limiting alcohol.

"Exercise is gradually introduced based on the current fitness and medical history of the patients. Low-impact exercises like swimming and cycling are generally used to strengthen the joints," says top knee specialist in Mumbai, Dr Niraj Vora. In a few cases, RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation) and physical therapy may also be used as a part of lifestyle modifications.

What are the risks and benefits of non-surgical knee treatments?

Non-surgical treatments for knee pain avoid the risks associated with surgery. These treatments can reduce pain, improve knee function, relieve inflammation, and improve strength. Non-surgical approaches lead to faster recovery and carry minimal risks at significantly reduced costs. All these benefits outweigh the risks when it comes to non-surgical treatment approaches. In rare cases, patients may experience side effects from pain relievers and excessive use of injections. Possible muscle soreness from physical therapy can occur when the right physiotherapist is not chosen.

How effective are non-surgical treatments compared to knee surgery?

Non-surgical treatments are very effective when considered for suitable cases. Mild to moderate knee pain can be effectively treated with a customized non-surgical treatment approach without the need for surgery.

Can physical therapy or injections help me avoid knee surgery?

Yes! Physical therapy is an effective way to strengthen the knee and improve its function. It gradually enables pain relief and can even delay and completely avoid surgery altogether. However, one always needs to consult a qualified physiotherapist to fully benefit from physical therapy.