Rehabilitation for Knee Replacement Surgery by Dr Niraj Vora

Undergoing surgery is certainly not something one looks forward to do. A number of people prefer living in pain instead of going for surgery for the repairing of damage. However, speaking of your mobility, it always recommended going for the total knee replacement process before it is too late. What is total knee replacement? A […]

Stages of Recovery After Knee Replacement

Whether it is a total knee replacement or partial knee replacement, recovery time from the surgery is essential. The only matter would be that the recovery period may depend on many factors such as type of replacement performed, impact of physiotherapy exercises, intake of oral medications or pain killers and many other factors. If the […]

Iliotibial Band Syndrome – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Options

Iliotibial band or IT band is the long tendon that runs from the top of pelvis (ilium) to down to the tibia along the lateral thigh. The band connects the hip flexor and glute muscle (butt) to the outside of tibia, tapering into the knee joint stabilising the knee-hip relationship. And this long tendon is […]

Reason Why Women Need More Calcium than Men

Women, in general, are always known to eat less than men, a part of which is true because women need fewer calories than men. Men packing more muscle mass than women are one of the main reasons for this difference in calorie requirement (muscle burns calories). So women generally require fewer calories than men because […]