Revised joint replacement packages and pricing as per Govt NPPA implant pricing, effective 16th Aug 2017.


Knee Replacement Surgery is a complex procedure, and physical knee rehabilitation is crucial to a full recovery. In order for you to meet the goals of total knee surgery, you must take ownership of the rehabilitation process and work diligently on your own, as well as with your physical therapist, to achieve optimal clinical and functional results. The knee rehabilitation process following total knee replacement surgery can be quite painful at times.

Your Orthopedic Surgeon and/or Physical Therapist will most likely assign a specific protocol to you, based on your rehabilitation needs. The following protocol is meant only to give you an idea of the kind of exercises you might do during rehabilitation. When in doubt about an exercise, follow the protocol outlined by your Surgeon and/or Physical Therapist.

Early Rehabilitation

Your knee rehabilitation program begins in the hospital after surgery. Early goals of knee rehabilitation in the hospital are to reduce knee stiffness and maximize post-operative range of motion as well as to help you get ready for discharge. The following steps may be taken to help maximize your range of motion following surgery.

  • Early physical therapy (day 1 or 2) to begin range of motion exercises and walking program.
  • Edema control to reduce swelling (ice, compression stocking, and elevation).
  • Adequate pain control so you can tolerate the rehabilitation regimen.
Outpatient Physical Therapy

Your outpatient Knee Rehabilitation Program will consist of a variety of exercises designed to help you regain range of motion in the knee and build strength in the muscles which support the knee. You will follow an advanced strengthening program, adding weights as tolerated. A stationery cycle and walking program will be used to help increase range of motion and stamina, and an aquatic therapy program may be added as well.

Typical Home Exercise

Instructions in your home exercise program may include the exercises shown below. Consult your therapist regarding the appropriateness of the exercises and the number of reps.

Ankle Pumps: Flex ankle up and down.

Quadriceps sets: Tighten thigh muscles and Hold for five seconds.

Heel slides: Flex your hip and knee. Return knee to the straight position.

Leg lifts: Raise leg six inches above the floor, keeping knee straight

Knee extension: Place a pillow under your knee. Lift your foot off the mat.

Knee Flexion Stretch:

Place a towel under your heel. Pull your knee towards your chest. Hold your knee in this flexed position for 15-20 seconds. Return knee to the straight position.

At Home

There are several things you can do at home to make your knee rehabilitation more successful. First of all, do the home exercise program as prescribed by your physical therapist. Next, follow these suggestions for daily activities:

  • Sitting: Use a chair with arms to help you rise to a standing position. Avoid sitting for longer than an hour if possible. If you must sit for a longer time, elevate the foot to avoid swelling.
  • Walking: Do not put weight through the joint until you’ve been cleared to do so by your surgeon.
  • Lifting: Do not lift more than ten pounds.
  • Showering: Showering is preferable to bathing because of difficulties getting in and out of the tub.
  • Exercising: Do the exercises that were recommended by your doctor and physical therapist.
  • Go to physical therapy as prescribed and get advice from your therapist as to whether you’re doing the exercises correctly.
  • Getting into a car and driving: Get into a car by sitting on the edge of the seat, then pulling in the legs and turning to face forward.
  • Driving is usually not recommended for the first six weeks post-op. Talk with your surgeon about driving sooner.

Long-Term Knee Rehabilitation Goals

Once you’ve completed your knee rehabilitation therapy, you can expect a range of motion from 100-120 degrees of knee flexion, mild or no pain with walking or other functional activities, and independence with all activities of daily living.

FAQ's - Frequently Asked Questions

How long does rehabilitation take after knee surgery?

Knee surgeries come in various types and complexities. Therefore, rehabilitation after knee surgery depends on several factors, including the type of procedure, the severity of the condition, the patient's age, and their overall health. Here's a general guideline for rehabilitation timelines:

Surgery Type Rehabilitation Timeline
Total Knee Replacement 12 weeks (average)
Arthroscopy Weeks
Partial Knee Replacement 4-6 months (physical therapy)
Meniscus Repair 4-6 weeks (recovery), Up to 3 months (sports)
Osteotomy Several months
What exercises should I do during knee surgery rehabilitation?

The exercises during the rehab process depend on the specific knee condition and the stage of recovery. Here are general guidelines recommended:

  • Early Stage: Gentle range-of-motion exercises like isometric quadriceps contractions, ankle pumps, and other exercises that tighten the knee muscle without moving the knee are recommended during this phase.
  • Mid Stage of Recovery: Exercises gradually increase in intensity as patients gain strength. Straight leg raises, short arc squats, hamstring stretches, and calf raises are recommended during this stage.
  • Last Stage of Recovery: Stair climbing, light balance exercises, and walking with assistance are considered standard in this stage. Along with these, patients are usually recommended to focus on low-impact exercises like swimming and cycling with the right form and progression.
Can I drive after knee surgery rehabilitation?

As suggested, any physical activity post-surgery differs for every patient based on the surgery and recovery phase. In the early stages of recovery, patients are advised to stay away from driving. In the mid-phase, patients are only allowed to drive when absolutely necessary and with limitations. Patients are allowed to drive in the last stage of recovery only when they gain sufficient mobility, function, balance, and coordination.

When can I return to work after knee surgery rehabilitation?

In addition to the type of surgery and recovery phase, the return to work depends on the type of job and activity needs. For sedentary jobs, the patient may be able to return to work after 5-6 weeks. Active jobs that require considerable activity will need at least 6 weeks of rehab, and manual jobs will need at least 3 months of adequate recovery and rest.

What should I do if I experience pain during knee surgery rehabilitation?

If a patient suddenly experiences knee pain during rehab, they may apply ice to the painful area for at least 15-20 minutes several times a day. Taking pain medication, using a compression bandage to reduce swelling, elevating the leg when resting, and avoiding additional stress are some of the advised practices to alleviate the pain. Patients are advised to immediately consult a healthcare professional as soon as possible after these self-care practices.