On this page, we describe our collection, disclosure, and use of the information that we receive from users through our website.
drnirajvora.com do not collect any information unless the users provide it to the website. Though users can surf through any page of the website without providing any information, some of the features may require the users to provide information. In addition to this, our analytics automatically receives log information of the user (IP, page visit, time and date of the visit, etc.).Though we use cookies to improve the site navigation ad user experience we never store any personal information like credit cards or passwords.
The user information thus received is safeguarded with the highest security measures employed by our administrator. We do not share, sell or disclose the information of the users to any third party operators. The information we receive is used to improve the user experience and features of our website. Users must know that our website may contain external links that redirect to the third party website who privacy policies may differ from ours, and drnirajvora.com do not assume any responsibility to these issues users face with the respective websites. You can contact us in case of queries or concerns about the contents on this page.